2023 Guest Speakers Presentations Matt Egerton-Warburton. 6 December 2023. “Catch Water, Restore Land 2023” VIEW PRESENTATION BRETT MASON. November 11, 2023. Wizards of Oz. VIEW PRESENTATION Wes Raffel, October 3, 2023“Silicon Valley Venture Capital Investing – My Experiences & Tips for the Future” VIEW PRESENTATION Christopher Johnson, September 5, 2023. “The Auteur Theory, or What Exactly Does a Film Director Do?” VIEW PRESENTATION Richard Broinowski AO, 1 August 2023“Australian Foreign Policy– are we heading in the right direction?” VIEW PRESENTATION Nyunggaii Warren Mundine AO, 4 July 2023.“It’s Not Our Voice” VIEW PRESENTATION Tim Rocks & Ryan Cormican, Evans & Partners, 6 June 2023.“Avoid Getting Dumped by the 2nd Wave” VIEW PRESENTATION Robin Baird and Peter Brown, 5 May 2023. Sydney Metro West Overview VIEW PRESENTATION Michael Pascoe, 4 April 2023. Keeping Perspective – Economics, Politics & Life. VIEW PRESENTATION Robert Whitelaw, 7 March 2023.“The Australian (1838) and Union (1857) clubs: the great survivors of 185 years of Sydney clubland” VIEW PRESENTATION Anne Dunn, 7 February 2023.“The excitement and challenges of Sydney Theatre Company.” Anne Dunn, co-CEO and Executive Director, STC. VIEW PRESENTATION