The Club
Sydney Probus has been meeting in the centre of Sydney for almost 40 years and draws members from across the Sydney metropolitan region. Whilst membership and attendance at meetings is for men, partners and guests are welcome at all other activities. We are a body of friendly and interesting people who reflect a broad range of interests including, business and finance, the professions, defence, government and academia. Many have been leaders in their field.
We meet at 10.00am on the first Tuesday of each month at the Union, University and Schools Club on the corner of Bent and Philip Streets Sydney.
After a short business meeting, we have a good chat together over morning tea and then an hour’s presentation by an acclaimed Guest Speaker. At the conclusion of the meeting, members enjoy a convivial luncheon in the Union Club dining room. Discussion over coffee and tea in the lounge closes the meeting.


Social activities are held each month to which partners and guests are always most welcome.
Occasionally they involve overnight stays but always take us to variety of interesting places and organisations of broad interest.
Our monthly newsletter summarises current and future news and activities.
It complements this website, a gateway for detailed information to explore in depth all aspects of Club membership.
Each newsletter has details of the previous monthly meeting, a summary of the Guest Speaker’s presentation, Social Events for the next months as well as a summary of Social Activities for the rest of the calendar year.